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Cultivating learners for tomorrow's world.

Brilliant International Academy houses a fully segmented middle school system, encompassing grades six through eight, where each subject is taught in a separate classroom by specialized instructors. The academically rigorous curriculum covers Literature, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Art & Humanities, Health & Fitness, Technology, and Spanish.

For high-achieving eighth graders, there are opportunities to gain high school credit in areas like Computer Literacy, Health, Art, and Spanish I Honors, as well as Algebra I Honors, which provides a head start on their high school journey.


The literature program encourages students to be engaged and discerning readers. Different literary forms such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels are provided for analysis and critique, facilitated through written assignments, class discussions, and individual and group projects. Students will engage with various literary concepts, including theme, motif, symbolism, foreshadowing, setting, and perspective. A range of novels exploring diverse topics and perspectives will be discussed regularly. Students are also encouraged to read books of their choice throughout the year, fostering a culture of independent reading outside the classroom. The program aims to expose students to a variety of literature, promote active participation, and nurture lifelong readers.


The English program delves into different forms of academic writing, like expository, persuasive, and research writing. Students use the writing process to develop clear and succinct written work, integrating original ideas with research and incorporating fundamental components of grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. Students learn to cite sources, create bibliographies, and format research papers using MLA guidelines. Technology is incorporated for producing, publishing, and collaborating on writing projects, short research activities, and group tasks.

Communication skills are honed through public speaking, group projects, and presentations. Students learn to listen attentively, speak effectively, and respond appropriately in various contexts. The program also offers opportunities for students to participate in writing competitions, public speaking contests, and Spelling Bees to showcase their skills.


Our mathematics program aims to provide a stimulating learning environment that encourages achievement. The curriculum for the sixth grade focuses on ensuring students understand and are fluent in basic operations using whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers, along with pre-algebra concepts, properties, statistics, probability, proportions, percentages, and geometry.

Seventh-grade students delve into pre-algebra, gradually transitioning into Algebra 1 by the fourth quarter. The syllabus includes properties and operations of integers, rational and real numbers, solving equations and inequalities, along with revision of ratios and proportions, percentages, and geometry.

Eighth graders in our Algebra I program learn to solve and graph linear equations and inequalities, operate with polynomials, factor polynomials, work with exponents, graph and solve quadratic equations, and solve rational and radical equations. Earning high school credits is possible for students in Algebra I Honors.

Technology is integrated into the program with readily accessible online resources like tutorial videos, homework assistance, and interactive practice quizzes and tests. We strive to make learning math an engaging and challenging experience, encouraging student interaction and enjoyment.


The science curriculum aims to cultivate independent learning habits, emphasizing skills like creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. The courses aim to give students a fundamental understanding of science and its relevance to their lives. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is woven throughout the science program, utilizing interactive electronic textbooks, LearnSmart, and virtual and hands-on labs to enhance learning.

The life science program for sixth graders explores the world of flora, fauna, bacteria, fungi, health, disease, and human anatomy. It emphasizes scientific inquiry and methodology to answer questions and build knowledge. Students use scientific models and tools (including microscopes) to investigate and share their findings. Labs include dissection of various invertebrates and vertebrates.

Seventh graders study earth science, delving into the processes that shape our planet. Fields covered include cartography, geology, meteorology, oceanography, environmental science, and astronomy. Students apply the scientific method and use scientific tools to observe, collect, organize, interpret, and present data.

Eighth graders delve into physical science, investigating non-living matter and energy. Topics covered in physics include motion, forces, matter, energy, waves, electricity, and magnetism, while chemistry covers properties of matter, chemical reactions, mixtures and solutions, acid/base chemistry, and organic chemistry. The course aims to give students a basic understanding of how physical science and basic chemistry relate to the world around them. They continue using the scientific method and scientific tools to conduct experiments and share results through various media.

Social Studies

The social studies program equips students with a solid foundation in history, political systems, geography, research skills, and current events. Each grade focuses on a different area of study: World History in the sixth grade, American History in the seventh, and World Geography and Civics in the eighth.

Supplementary geography activities are provided at each level. Research and note-taking skills are reinforced. The emphasis is on gaining a working knowledge of various types of reference materials and efficient usage of these skills. Current events are scrutinized and evaluated within the broader context of class study. Special projects include the state stock market competition, social studies fair, mock trial, and an interview with a prominent Nevadan.

Arts & Humanities

The study of art and humanities helps students appreciate and understand their world, the evolution of cultures, and the aesthetic movement that encompasses these cultures. It exposes them to new perspectives and guides them in transforming abstract ideas into tangible forms. The goal is to enable students to recognize the aesthetic elements that give a work of art its enduring beauty and significance.

Sixth-grade students complete the final phase of a discipline-based art curriculum designed to offer repeated, gradually building experiences with various media, skills, and techniques, aiding the understanding of art’s structure and language. The central theme for the year is the “World of Art,” stressed by using an art textbook to provide both cross-cultural and multicultural lessons, which are developed through the students’ use of art elements.

Seventh and eighth graders use an art textbook based on a discipline-oriented program, offering a wide range of visual experiences derived from artworks and art styles across cultures and periods. Aesthetics, art criticism, art history, and art production are applied and reinforced throughout the program. High school credits can be earned in Art I.


The study of Spanish introduces students to a foreign language, stimulating a desire to further enhance their competence in foreign languages, including their own. Beginning with a first-year high school Spanish I textbook in the sixth grade, the course culminates with a Spanish II textbook in the eighth grade.

Learning Spanish is made enjoyable and engaging through small group activities, DVDs, and games in all grades, complemented by group participation. These activities introduce students to everyday conversational vocabulary, simultaneously providing insights into the culture, geography, and history of the Spanish-speaking world. High school credits can be earned by eighth graders in Spanish I Honors.

Computer Literacy

Our aim is to furnish students with a solid background in computer literacy, teaching the skills necessary for future success. Students improve their keyboarding skills, use the Internet for research and information, and become proficient users of Microsoft Office programs. Introductory computer science is embedded into our programs, making the students knowledgeable about the subject. Ample discussion and focus are provided on safe and responsible use of the Internet.

Furthermore, students familiarize themselves with emerging, new technology. Internet skills, ethical use of materials, and understanding the long-term effects of posting anything on the Internet are covered. Use of Windows operating systems, email etiquette for personal and business uses, troubleshooting minor technical issues, and connecting to various devices are also applied. Students earn high school credit in computer literacy for this course.

Health & Fitness

The middle school’s health and fitness program is dedicated to providing an educational process where all students are motivated to reach their maximum potential and personal goals. By offering a variety of teaching techniques, students participate in sports and leisure activities, strength training, and aerobic exercise. They are also educated about the importance of their health and well-being through health education topics. Students are given a strong foundation in the value of lifetime physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is provided as an online course for one semester in the eighth grade. This course teaches students to set goals, budget, and create financial plans. Topics such as taxation, financial institutions, credit, and money management are covered. The course prepares our eighth-grade students to take a class entirely online, subsequently readying them for future online coursework in high school and college. Students can earn high school credit for this course.

Interested in knowing more? Feel free to reach out to us. We’re just one message or call away, and we’d be more than happy to assist you with any information you need.